Have you ever enjoyed the wonder of a Simmer Pot on your stovetop during the holiday season? I have one simmering right now, and it is pure delight! It fills your entire home with the smells of Christmas, and it is sooooo wonderful.
My daughter in law and I have been working on making Simmer Pot gifts this season, so let me tell you what we have done!
- First, we sliced oranges thinly, and sprinkled them lightly with cinnamon. Then, I dehydrated them using my countertop dehydrator. (You can also do this in the oven: 250 degrees for at least 4 hours, flipping halfway through. Just note that they will turn DARK brown, not looking orange like these ones do. We tried both methods.)
- We did the same with apples. Slicing and dehydrating them.
- Same with the cranberries! However, it took DAYS for my cranberries to dry, so I finally had to take a sharp knife and prick a tiny hole in all of them in order to get them to dry out.
When all of the fruits have been dehydrated (assuming you’re packaging them for gifts!), you’re ready to put together your packets. If you’re not going to give these away, you can SKIP all of the dehydrating instructions, and just simmer a pot of fresh fruits and spices!
Final Simmer Pot Ingredients:
- 3-4 slices each of oranges & apples (fresh or dehydrated)
- 1/4-1/3 cup of cranberries (fresh or dehydrated)
- 3 whole cinnamon sticks (I get mine in my Amazon shop HERE)
- 1/2 Tablespoon whole cloves
- 3-4 Star Anise (I get mine in my Amazon shop HERE)
- 2 Bay Leaves
- 1 sprig of fresh Rosemary
- 3 cups of water
Simmer this on the stove all day in a small pot (I have an adorable pot linked in my Amazon shop!), checking every couple of hours to refill your pot with more water as it evaporates. You could also simmer this all day in a small crockpot. ENJOY!
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